Lean Agile Intelligence

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Bulk Launch Assessments

Bulk Launch Assessments in Lean Agile Intelligence (LAI) allows admins, facilitators, and super users to launch assessments for all Entities within a Group at once. This feature enables assessments to be conducted across an entire organization or a subset of teams efficiently.

Enabling Bulk Launch

To enable Bulk Launch, an admin must:

1.) Navigate to the Account Page.

2.) Under the Organization tab, go to Organization Settings.

3.) Click to enable "Enable Launching Assessments for Groups".

Once enabled, admins, facilitators, and super users will see an option for "Bulk Launch" when launching a new assessment.

How to Bulk Launch an Assessment

1.) Click on the Capability Template to open up Capability Template Details.

2.) Click the Launch Assessment button.

3.) In the Launch Assessment screen, select “In Bulk” when prompted if you want to launch the assessment for an Entity or in Bulk.
Only Groups/Organization that the user has permission to will appear in the list.
If the user does not have permission to any Groups/Organization, the “In Bulk” option will not appear for that user.

4.) Choose the Group/Organization from the dropdown list, which includes all Groups and the Organization.

5.) Based on the selected assessment type:

  • Individual Assessments: The assessment will be launched for all Individual Entities within the selected Group.

  • Team Assessments: The assessment will be launched for all Team Entities within the selected Group.

  • Agile At Scale: The assessment will be launched for all Agile At Scale Entities within the selected Group.

  • All descendant Groups within the selected parent Group will also be included.

Please Note: If any entity within the selected Group already has an assessment of that selected Capability Template in progress, the system will prevent launching a new assessment.


  1. If entities have Open Improvement Actions, the system will display the Manage Improvement Actions screen as the next step.

  2. If the selected capability template includes Role Assignments, an additional Assign Roles step will appear. Users can:

    • Accept the default role assignments.

    • Make adjustments to role assignments.

    • Opt out of assigning roles.

    • These role configurations will apply to all Entities within the selected Group.

  3. In Configure Mode, users can choose the assessment mode:

    • Together Mode (only applies within each Team Entity, not across the entire Group).

    • Separate Mode for individual responses.

  4. In Select Options, this steps allows customization of additional settings before launching the assessment.

    For more detailed information on how to configure an assessment, please check out this documentation.

Managing the Bulk Launch Assessment

Once launched, a single link is provided to manage the assessment. All participants within the Group can use this link to access the assessment.

When clicking the link, participants can select the specific Entity they are taking the assessment for.

If an individual Entity's assessment link is needed, go to Manage Assessments, find the specific Entity, and click "Copy Assessment Link".

Alternatively, the Bulk Launch Assessment link can be found under Overview, showing that it is part of a Bulk Launch and providing the group launch link.

Closing a Bulk Assessment

Closing an assessment is done per Entity and it does not affect other Entities within the Group.

For more information on how to close and manage assessments, please refer to this documentation.