25.02.23 release
Bulk Launch Assessment - when launching an assessment, the facilitator can choose to launch multiple assessments - one for each Entity in a Group/Organization
Admins can enable this via the Organization Settings in Account
Same as launching one at a time except with less clicks!
Each assessment has its own participant link, but there is also an additional “bulk link” that allows a participant to choose the Entity that they are joining the assessment for. This allows participation in bulk.
Associate Custom Metric with Capability
The Custom Metrics screen now allow each custom metric to be associated with a Quantitative Capability
The Custom Metrics for that Quantitative Capability since the Last Assessment will appear in the assessment sidebar when the assessment is in Separate mode.
Capability Associations can additionally be split by Groups and Entities so that different Entities can associate to different Capabilities.
Two-step participant login with email
When a participant tries to join an assessment that requires email, the email will first be asked before any other information.
The email will be validated and if the email is already participating in the assessment, they will be forwarded into the assessment without having to re-enter any information.
If the email is new, then the rest of the required information will be requested - such as display name, role, etc.
New Facilitator Checklist - check out our First-Time Facilitation Guide checklist
Small Improvements
Skip Improvement Action Step in Launch Assessment if no Improvement Actions exist
Excel exports split Groups column
Participant Voting Instructions moved to top of assessment
Members performance improvement - loading the Members screen went from a few seconds to take less than a second to load for a more responsive experience
Billing Entities changed to only include Entities that had at least one completed assessment during the billing period.
Capability Details widget has labels for First and Previous trends
Template Builder Capability Description font size increase
25.02.11 release (minor)
Fixed issue with editing permissions on an out-of-the-box template
25.01.05 release (minor)
Billing entities export in Account
Billing Entity limits updated to match billing export
Role Assignments matrix disabled by default when launching an assessment to prevent accidental overrides
24.12.22 release
Account page redesign
Added Doodle Case Study to Testimonials
Improved responsiveness of SAP Voting Results
Public assessment new configurations for our partners (survey term, group name, blur when email provided at end)
24.12.08 release (minor)
Public assessment new configurations for our partners
New “Get Access” banner on the site’s static pages
Results Capability Trends has more distinguishable dimension lines
Custom stage names and descriptions are supported (not user editable, contact us for more information)
Comment Dates for completed assessments now match the assessment completion date so it is easy to match comments with assessments
Removed the numbers preceding prompts when taking an assessment for a cleaner look
24.11.24 release (minor)
“Get Access” modifications
24.11.17 release (minor)
Public Assessment Enhanced Configuration - for our partners who run public assessments/surveys
Landing page image customization
Stage Name customization
Target State option
Show/hide “get access” button customization
Show/hide marketing banner
Spider scaling improvements
Capability Trends
Comparison line is dashed
Larger font for all screen sizes
24.11.03 release
Public Assessment Enhanced Configuration - for our partners who run public assessments/surveys
Supports Member Attributes,
Prompts are now supported
Member Attributes are now supported
Role-assigned assessments are now supported
New configurations to hide/show various Results widgets and customize banners
New Free Trial Flow - new users can now either request a free trial or simply explore our demo environment, allowing users to quickly see our capabilities with sample data included!
Group Summary is now Group Heatmap
With an enhanced look, the Group Heatmap dashboard in Results is now formatted and styled to make it easier to see patterns across teams!
Super Users have permission to Reassign Facilitator - just like Admins, Super Users can now reassign the facilitator of an assessment
Small Improvements
Registered members can view their votes after assessment completion in Manage Assessments, by clicking “View My Responses” next to the completed assessment. For Separate-mode assessments only.
Manage Assessments has a select-all checkbox
Manage Assessment has a new Group filter
Rating Trends widget is now the Rating widget (name change only)
SAP Capability name and description is now bolder and easier to see
Trends dashboard has more-readable legends
24.10.05 release (minor)
Improve Manage Assessments performance
24.09.29 release
Custom Member Attributes - the ability to define your own attributes for assessment participants and collect them from participants when joining an assessment
Terminology change
Participant-only users -> non-registered members
Members -> registered members
Admins can define Member Attributes and the available values
Admins can edit Custom Templates and assign Member Attributes to them
Launched Assessments with those Templates will require participants to supply the Member Attributes when joining the assessment
Results will provide filters, and allow you to view votes and participants by those attributes
Capability Prompts - Attach open-ended prompts to custom Capabilities
Admins can edit Custom Capabilities and provide prompts (open-ended questions) to be answered by assessment participants for that Capability
The prompt responses will be found in the same places as Notes today - in Capability Details dashboard and in the Capability drilldown
Results Improvements
Snapshot and Rating Trends style updates and hiding irrelevant data. For example, goals and impediments will not be shown if they are not being used.
The same change (hiding irrelevant information) is applied to the rest of the widgets, for a consistent and easy-to-digest experience for all use cases
Small Improvements
Option to change our stages (Starting, Developing, etc.) to generic stages (Challenged, Foundational, etc.) via an organization setting in Account
For select customers, we will prevent mixing Capability Levels with Template types to ensure consistency.
Fix issue in Template Builder with creating more than one new capability and adding to a new template
24.08.27 release (minor)
New Flow Accelerators Assessment public content available! Check out our Assessment Templates page to find the new assessment.
24.08.23 release (minor)
New Flow Accelerators Assessment available! Log in and launch an assessment today!
24.08.06 release (minor)
Fixed timeout in Manage Assessments for users with many assessments in view
24.07.21 release (minor)
New Facilitators Guide! We proudly show off our more comprehensive facilitation guide, guiding facilitators to get the most out of LAI. Available to all registered members - follow the link “Go to Facilitation Guide” after logging in.
Export Assessment Template to CSV - Export all the capabilities in any assessment template, along with the dimension, outcomes, and criteria. Find this feature in Assessment Templates screen after clicking on a Template and selecting the “Export Template” button. Don’t see it? Reach out to us so we can mark your organization and enable this feature.
Small Improvements
Display Name minimum changed from 3 to 2 characters
Overall Average, Dimension, and Outcome drilldowns in Results now show “2/5 Entities’ for each stage when hovering over a stage in the pie chart.
Members are now known as either “registered members” (previously “members”) and “non-registered members” (previous “participant-only users”)
24.06.30 release
Custom Time Periods
New Custom Time Periods screen allow you to define time periods for your Groups or Entities. These time periods dictate how Results are bucketed.
The default time period will continue to be quarterly. With an exception for quantitative assessments, the default will be monthly. Both of these can be overridden by defining a custom time period.
See the scores for each time period in a new Capability Drilldown tab called “Trends”
View more than 4 time periods on our dashboards - up to 12 time periods at once
Assessment Information widget shows all templates that have been used, not just the last one
Custom Metrics use defined time periods also
Small Improvements
Number of participants added to Assessment Information widget in Results
Unsubscribe link in emails does not require login anymore
24.05.15 release (MINOR)
Small Improvements
New free trials do not have access to import/export
GDPR compliance publication
24.04.25 release (minor)
Small Improvements
Public assessment tweaks and enhancements
24.04.21 release
Public Assessment enhanced configurations for Partners
Customize the landing page and other details of your public assessment to tailor it more for your use case
Participant responses link
Participants are given a link to be able to come back and revisit their responses for Separate mode assessments
Small Improvements
Provide language while voting explaining why checkboxes in stages to the right cannot be clicked
Hide some Insights Canvas widgets completely instead of collapsing them when there’s no data
Website font size increase
24.04.16 release (minor)
Small Improvements
Fixed “Clear All” bug clearing template capabilities in Template Builder
24.03.31 release
Capability Role Assignments
A Capability Template can assign one or more Roles (Product Owner, Developer, etc.) to each Capability in the Template.
Roles can be user defined by Admins via the “Manage Roles” button in Members.
On assessment launch, the Roles for each question can be adjusted.
During the assessment, when the participant supplies their Role, they will only be presented capabilities that are defined for their role.
Results / Insights Canvas Design
Dashboards dropdown is now tabs
Organization Tree Sidebar can be fully hidden
Assessment Summary widget is collapsed by default
Select widgets are more responsive for different screen sizes
Out-of-the-Box Dimension Names change (for select LAI organizations)
Value Driven -> Product
Dynamics -.> Culture
Quality -> Engineering
Adapt -> Process
Improve -> Improvement
Small Improvements
In Separate mode, if a user does not answer all the questions, their responses are preserved so they are available in case of a re-open. Note that Results will still show the same score since the user did not submit their responses.
Only show out-of-the-box NeuroxProfile template for clients who have used it
24.02.18 release
Revamped Homepage - showcasing the true power of LAI. Visit it today!
Recommended Templates is now the Capability Templates Assistant! - get enhanced recommendations by answering a few questions in the Capability Templates page
Terminology Changes
Question -> Capability
Assessment Template -> Capability Template
Business Outcome -> Outcome
Agile at Scale -> At Scale
Agile Leader assessment -> Adaptive Leader assessment
Permission changes
Partners not able to create child organizations by themselves anymore
Child organizations no longer have access to any exports
All non-paid organizations no longer have access to Jira Integration or the LAI API
Minor Improvements
The Recommendations widget now splits the recommended capabilities into two lists - one for performance metrics and one for practices & behaviors
SAP in Separate mode now prompts the user to save their note before navigating to the next question.
24.01.20 RELEASE (minor)
Small enhancements
Integrate permission and role of user (internal-only change)
24.01.16 RELEASE (minor)
Small fixes
Redirect Analyst to join as a participant-only user instead of receiving “Access Denied” error when following an assessment link.
Fix Question description in the SAP not clearing when a question doesn’t have a description
Fix Facilitator not Voting Complete Assessment button not appearing in Together mode
Prompt user to save notes when navigating questions in Separate mode
24.01.13 RELEASE
Launch Assessment flow
Launching an assessment will now walk you through every option available and help the user make a clearer decision
Phrases reworded for a clearer understanding.
New Single/Multiple Participant Setting replaces “Only one member will complete this assessment”
SAP controls upgraded
Navigate backwards and forward through an assessment without answering
Suspend is now Cancel & Come Back
Rearrangement of controls on the screen for a more straightforward experience
Manage Assessments from Assessment History
Assessment History is now called Manage Assessments
New actions such as Cancel Assessment, Complete Assessment, and Continue Assessment are available from the Manage Assessments screen
Extra information supplied such as the participant’s progress on the assessment and all the options selected during launch
Participant-Only context
Entity and Team for the assessment can be found in the shared participant link, the Participant login screen, and at the top of the Self-Assessment Platform so that a participant is always aware of which assessment is being taken
Improvement Action Edit screen upgrade
Created date, updated date, and closed date are available for context when editing an Improvement Action
23.12.17 RELEASE (minor)
Small Fixes
Invite Member persists Permission, Groups, and Teams
Restore Dimension/Outcome names in PDF export
Restore Agility Stage in Criteria to Discuss
Restore reserved email domains functionality
23.12.03 RELEASE
view our release announcement and more details here
Improvement Action (IA) dashboard
A new Results dashboard that allows view all your IAs in one place! As well as metrics on them.
Improvement Actions integrated with Goals and Impediments
Goals and Impediments cannot be unmarked if open Improvement Actions of the same type exists
When marking a goal or impediment, you will be prompted for an improvement action to be created (optional).
When adding an improvement action, you will also mark the question as a goal or an impediment.
During assessment launch, there is an Improvement Action review step to close out any Open Improvement Actions before launching a new assessment
A new organization setting controls whether or not goals and impediments can be set in the Self Assessment Platform. Off by default for a leaner assessment experience.
Jira multiple instances
We now allow you to integrate with multiple instances of JIra
Assessment History
Redesigned pagination allows it to handle thousands of assessments - great for large organizations
Edit Completed Date action allows you to change the completed date of any Completed Assessment
Registration Email domain handling - when a new user registers with the same email domain as an existing organization, they will go through a flow to get access to that organization, instead of mistakenly creating their own LAI Organization.
Small improvements
Admin can now change the display name of any member
Documentation links have been added around the JIra integration and Coaching Assistant
The Self Assessment Platform auto reconnects clients with bad connections for a more reliable assessment experience
Both Copy Link and Copy Invitation buttons are available during Launch Assessment
Secondary Filter retention - secondary table filters in Results are remembered as users view different Entities/Groups and dashboards
Group Summary defaults to Question view
Remember position in template of a copied question when it is replaced
Total count of records added to all tables
23.11.16 RELEASE (minor)
Small Improvements
Scoring Summary improved formatting and style
Group Summary header style improvements
Remove limit on number of custom Business Outcomes and Practice Dimensions
Participant with multiple in-progress assessments could lose access to responses if the right sequence of steps are performed
ReCaptcha logging
23.10.15 RELEASE (minor)
Archive/Unarchive Assessments
In Assessment History, assessments can be archived/unarchived.
When archived, they are removed from the Assessment History main view and are not included in Results
Unlike delete, archived assessments can be restored via Unarchive.
23.09.29 RELEASE (minor)
Small fixes
Fix forgotten current step for Together assessments
23.09.10 RELEASE
view our release announcement and more details here
Jira Integration
Jira issues can be created automatically when creating an Improvement Action that is of Type “Goal”
Sync, Map Existing, Delete functions added to Improvement Actions to support the Jira integration
An Admin can go to the Account screen to integrate for their LAI organization.
Action Items new fields
New field: Type - specify if your action item is to a achieve a goal or remove an impediment
New field: Owner Role - specify the role of the person who will be working on the action item
Coaching Assistant and Recommendations widget
Improvement Assistant is renamed the Coaching Assistant
Only viewable for Entity Results (not Group or Team
Input weighted percentages for each targeted outcome for each team
Recommendations for questions to improve are displayed in a new Recommendations widget
UI updates - more colors and modals have been incorporated into the new LAI design
Small Improvements
The assessment facilitator for a Separate assessment is no longer sent an assessment invite for their own assessment
All Out-of-the-Box Business Outcome descriptions shortened
Question Drilldown distinguishes Average Rating and Override Rating
23.08.13 RELEASE (minor)
Rename Release Notes to Release Announcements for our release blog posts
Improve performance of Assessment History and Member Attributes
23.07.30 RELEASE
view our release announcement and more details here
Style updates
Results icons, colors, and style have changed to a more modern approach
Modals use a light theme
Buttons across the app use a consistent outline style
Cards throughout the app use a white header instead of a blue header for a cleaner look
Filters across the app have a consistent dropdown design and style
The Header/footer changed from a dark to a light theme
Font size throughout the app is consistent and larger
Colors throughout the app are more minimal - sticking to a more neutral color palette
Compare groups to other groups
In the Rating Trends and Question Trends widgets, groups can be compared to other groups. (Before, only teams could be compared to groups.)
The Rating Trends widget defaults to comparing to the parent group.
First Assessment Trend changes
A first assessment trend line is always shown, allowing you to see the first quarter that an Entity or Group assessed.
Our Results screens are more responsive and faster to load, especially for large rollups. Our testing shows load times are 2-3x as fast as they used to be!
Manage Partner Organization
For our partners only!
Create LAI organizations for your clients and connect them to your LAI organization.
Manage your client’s organizations with one login.
Small Improvements
New “Designer” user role
23.06.25 RELEASE (minor)
The Self Assessment Platform has seen a noticeable improvement in performance and scalability during peak times - a ~40% speed improvement
23.06.07 RELEASE (minor)
Assessment Templates page design tweaks
Criteria to discuss ordering fix
23.05.29 RELEASE (minor)
Fix showing completed participants in Separate assessment
23.05.25 RELEASE (minor)
URL link fixes
23.05.21 RELEASE
view our release announcement and more details here
SAP voting changes
Look and feel refreshed
When entering screen to vote, any checkbox can be clicked
The previous stage is enabled and can be unchecked
Show Notes from previous assessments
In the SAP, notes from previous assessments will be included in the Notes list
Note that in Separate mode, only the Facilitator can view previous assessment notes, since participants in Separate mode can only view their own notes for that assessment
System notes toggle
In Question Details widget and Question Drilldown, a toggle will hide/show System-generated notes, to allow facilitators to focus only on the notes entered by participants
Small Improvements
Look and feel of Assessment Templates refreshed
Measurement Strategy whitepaper now in Resources
LinkedIn share button add to Learning Library
23.04.16 RELEASE
view our release announcement and more details here
No info required for Participants
New settings when launching an assessment “Participant email and display name required” and “Participant role required”
If “Participant email and display name required” is unchecked, participants do not have to enter an email or display name
If “Participant role required” is unchecked, participants do not have to enter a role
These new settings allow the user to be more anonymous and feel more safe during assessments
23.04.01 RELEASE
view our release announcement and more details here
Super User Re-Permission
Super Users now have access to manage their org structure and members.
Super Users no longer have access to edit templates or questions.
Due to this change, any existing Super Users have been reassigned to be Facilitators
Self-Assessment Platform
A logged-in user will be forwarded into the assessment when following the assessment link (instead of being prompted to login as a participant)
Prevent errors when user logs in with more than one account
Improved page load times when launching and joining an assessment
Small Improvements
Removed validation that prevented members in assessments from being deleted
Updates to Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy
23.03.21 RELEASE (minor)
Small Improvements
Updated overview brochure
Enhance SAP criteria font size and color
23.03.15 RELEASE (minor)
Small Fixes
Fixed previous trend not showing when there are different trend quarters at group level
23.03.13 RELEASE (minor)
Small Fixes
Fixed rare case where group does not expand/collapse in Organization Structure
23.02.21 RELEASE (minor)
Small Improvements
Increased max length of helpful resource link
23.02.19 release
view our release announcement and more details here
Self Assessment Platform
Helpful Resources visible in the Self-Assessment Platform below the Question
This can be toggled on/off during assessment launch
Results for Entities can be bucketed into quarters like Groups
Have an Admin toggle the Show Trends as Quarters Organization Setting in the Account screen
Template Builder
Multiple levels allowed to be mapped to a single Question, allowing questions to be more generic
Small Improvements
Created a new Frequently Asked Questions page to our Help menu
Password requirements improved to allow more symbols and characters to be part of passwords. Minimum password length updated from 7 to 8.
Question Trends widget supports a slightly larger view for large screens.
Resolved rare issue where participant login fails
23.01.22 release
view our release announcement and more details here
Assessment Template content updates
Updated our list of Assessment Templates including source references, helpful resources, and documentation
Include more templates to our recommended templates
Added new Latest/Former Template filter in Assessment Templates screen
Added new Latest/Former Question filter in the Question Bank
Added a Frequently Asked Questions document to our Help Menu
Self Assessment Platform
Default to Separate mode when launching an assessment
When launching in Separate mode when the Facilitator is not participating, instead of sending the Facilitator into the assessment, there is a popup that asks what the Facilitator would like to do next.
If there is only one vote, the Question drilldown screen shows “Selected” instead of “100% (1/1) selected”. Additionally, any “Full Agreement” / “Partial Agreement” message on the Stage is not shown
Small Fixes
Copying an Out-of-the-Box question also copies the Helpful Resources
Partial Credit not appearing in Separate Mode assessments
23.01.09 release (minor)
Small Fixes
Better validation message when trying to save entity/group with more than 50 characters
Recommended Templates minor style updates
Update Source References disclaimer
Fix saving criteria with only capitalization changes
23.01.08 release
view our release announcement and more details here
New Templates and Questions
New 2023 Out-of-the-Box Templates and Questions
Inspired by the latest trends in the Agile community and customer feedback, our templates are more consistent, shorter, and detailed than ever before.
Template Measurement Type
A new attribute on each Template
Qualitative (Behaviors & Practices) - for qualitative measures
Quantitative (Performance) - used for assessments that capture quantitative measures. When template is launched, a Separate-mode, Auto complete assessment is selected by default
Added a Performance template recommendation to the Recommended Templates wizard
Partial Credit
A new Organization Setting can be switched on to enable partial credit
When enabled, the immediate next stage to the selected stage is earned partial credit. So if a user selects Developing (1) and then selects 2 out of 5 criteria in Emerging (2) then the vote would be 1.4.
New Analyst permission
Analysts can view anonymous Results (aggregated results of at least 5 entities)
Analysts cannot participate in assessments or build templates. They are a read-only permission meant for those who consume high-level results.
Blog moved to our main domain - over the next few weeks you will see our blog website redirecting to our main website as we migrate our posts
Self-Assessment Platform
Separate mode assessment launch now has a decision page redirecting the facilitator to the assessment, assessment history, or back to launch another assessment
Participant not added to the participant list until they join the assessment
Results improvements
New CSV Export on the criteria-level including the number of users that selected each criteria
Results % selected includes number of votes
Before: 50% selected
After: 50% (2/4) selected
Criteria to discuss added to Question Drilldown screen - the same “Criteria to Discuss” data found in the SAP is now below
If there is only one vote for a Question, that question will be excluded from the “Lowest Variability”
Multi-lingual support - if the user’s language is something other than English, they will receive a notification on our home page that instructs them how to view our website in their language
Minor Improvements
Height of large modals improved to use more space on larger monitors
Filter dropdowns no longer require 2 clicks
In Assessment History, the re-open button is disabled instead of hidden for completed and canceled assessments to explain why it can’t be re-opened.
Results PDF export now has a legend “Export Date/Time” next to the date/time
22.11.15 release (minor)
New Homepage YouTube video
Extend CSV export timeouts
Update voting instructions in documentation
Hide the NeuroXprofile dimensions and categories by default
22.11.03 release
view our release announcement and more details here
New Cultural Transformation Out-of-the-Box template
Minor improvements to the NeuroXprofile dashboard
22.10.30 release
New NeuroXprofile Out-of-the-Box template
Out collaboration with Enterprise Agility University, this new template assesses your team and provides a modified Results dashboard experience
Dashboard Calculations
Percentage Increase/Decrease calculation change
Before: (new - old) / 4.0 e.g. (3.0-2.0) / 4.0 = 25% increase
After: (new - old) / old e.g. (3.0-2.0)/2.0 = 50% increase
Change Group Trend dates
Before: First Assessment, End of last year, Previous Quarter, Latest Quarter
After: First Assessment, Previous Previous Quarter, Previous Quarter, Last Quarter
Configurable First Assessment Trend for Groups
When toggled OFF (default), the Organization will not see First Assessment Trend. Instead they will see the last 4 quarters.
When toggled ON, the Organization will see First Assessment Trend plus the last 3 quarters.
When viewing Results for an Entity, an asterisk and accompanying legend “* First Assessment” has been added to all widgets to identify the first assessment trend line
In Overall, Business Outcome, and Dimension Drilldowns, a new checkbox will toggle only showing immediate child groups and showing all descendant groups.
When viewing Results for an Entity, the “Compare To” boxes will not default to the parent group. Instead, the default will be no comparison.
The Results Comparison line color has been muted so it’s not so bright
Self-Assessment Platform
Remove “Criteria Voting” organization setting and its effects
All participants will vote with Stage-then-Criteria voting style
When user first enters the question, only Stages are enabled, criteria checkboxes are disabled
After selecting a Stage, then criteria checkboxes to the right are enabled
An on-screen instructions banner will guide participants
Editing a Note is now more intuitive
Changed from “send” icon to a button that says “Save Note”
After saving the note, the note is disabled with button “Edit Note”
When “Edit Note” is clicked, the note becomes enabled and the “Save Note” button returns
Contention percentage wording changes
Stage level
Gray "No Contention" -> (blank)
Yellow “Contention” -> Yellow “Partial Agreement”
Green "100% voted" -> Green "Full Agreement"
Criteria level
Gray "0% voted" -> Gray "0% selected"
Yellow "X% voted" -> Yellow "X% selected"
Green "100% voted" -> Green "100% selected"
“Only one member will take this assessment” is now an option on assessments of all types - Individual, Team, or Agile at Scale.
Small Enhancements
Create/Edit Entity - remove the optional Assign Team Attributes page
Added info icon with hover text to Groups column of Members screen
Assessment Completion emails will be sent for Separate assessments
Remove “Show Notes to Participants” in Separate mode
22.10.07 release (minor)
Minor changes
Added support for defaulting promo code on Register page
22.09.21 release (minor)
Minor changes
Team Performance Metrics criteria modified to match the progressive voting style
Restored “Your Rating” indicator in Self-Assessment Platform
Made Cancel/Suspend less confusing in Self-Assessment Platform
22.09.18 release
view our release announcement and more details here
Assessment Templates
Our main landing page has been redesigned with a new “card” layout
Filters allow you to find the template you are looking for - fast!
Recommended Templates allows each user to answer a few questions and then receive a recommendation on which templates are best for them
“View Results PDF“ shows a PDF version of our Results Dashboard for each Template
“Take Sample Assessment” feature allows users to take a shortened version of our most popular templates, to try them out (designed for first-time users of the platform).
Self-Assessment Platform
Small redesign makes everything more compact
The sidebar is docked by default for non-facilitators to allow for more space for voting.
During Assessment Launch, Copy Link now copies an Invitation + Link to the assessment, to give users instructions.
“How to Vote” has been moved from the sidebar to a button in the Question
New warnings when navigating away from a Question without saving your Notes in Separate mode.
For new users to the platform, new guided mode shows voting instructions interactively on the screen during voting.
Participant-only users cannot use the same email as a registered member.
New “Role” Filter allows filtering votes by 1 or more user’s role.
Redesigned look and feel give a fresh face to our automated emails
22.08.21 release (minor)
Small Enhancements
New Participant-Only users export - find at the bottom of the Members page
Hide Assessment Summary completion % when viewing Results for an Entity because the data is repetitive and confusing. Now only shown when viewing data for a Group or Organization.
Bug Fixes
Fix error when changing Organization name
22.08.14 release
New “Metrics” Dimension
New Dimension “Metrics” can be used for Questions that record objective metric data
New Dimension Type field (either “Practice & Behavior Proficiency” or “Performance”)
Verbiage changes
Practice -> Question
Practice Dimension -> Dimension
Agility Score -> Rating
Signup (new accounts)
Thank you page after registering
After verifying your email, you can click a link to automatically login
Wording changes during Organization registration
Small Enhancements
When Goal/Impediment is unchecked in the Results Question Trends widget, the hover tooltip will hide the list of teams with Goals/Impediments
In Member Attributes, if a member has more than 5 assigned Goals or Entities, the full list is capped at 5 shown with a “show more” link to show all. This reduces the amount of vertical consumed.
22.08.03 release (minor)
Out-of-the-Box Template changes
New template Team Performance Metrics
Rename 8 of the Out-of-the-Box templates
Agile Team: Software Delivery Ways of Working >> Team Agility - Advanced
Agile Team: Software Delivery Ways of Working Lite >> Team Agility - Novice
Product-Centric Team – Ways of Working >> Product Team Agility
Technical Advancement >> Technical Agility
DevOps Fundamentals >> DevOps Agility
Multi-Team Agile Effort - Ways of Working >> Multi-Team Agility - Advanced
Multi-Team Agile Effort - Ways of Working Lite >> Multi-Team Agility - Novice
Agile Team: Non-Software Delivery Ways of Working >> Team Agility - Non-Software Delivery
22.07.31 release (minor)
Bug Fixes
Fixed error saving a practice with long criteria
22.07.23 release
view our release announcement and more details here
Audit Trail - a new menu item under Organization Setup audits all major actions in the system including when, who, and what was changed
Members assignable to Groups
Rather than only being assignable to Entities, assigning to a Group gives the user permission to all descendant Entities, allowing for lighter and easier to maintain configurations
Custom Templates that have been used in an assessment can now be edited.
Assessments started before the edit maintain the old template definition while new assessments use the new template definition.
Replace Practice Historically
Make a one-for-one swap of one Practice for any other one Practice in ANY template. The new Practice inherits the old Practice’s historical scores. Select Copy/Customize on any used Practice and you will be prompted to Replace.
Custom Metrics
Configurable number of visible metric values
Permitting the display of more than 8 values at once
Metric Value Bulk Upload - enter many metric values at once!
Self-Assessment Platform
Allow users to check the Stage or the Criteria when voting, allowing for a more flexible way to take the assessment
Export Practice Details and Group Summary tables to CSV or Excel
22.06.04 release
view our release announcement and more details here
New export - Entity responses in CSV format. The previous CSV export has been renamed to “User Responses (CSV)”
Results Performance improvements
New Manage Business Outcomes Screen
Define your own Business outcomes and assign your custom Practices to them (available to Admins only)
SAML 2.0 integration for Organizations who opt in
“trial” has been removed from the paths from our URLs. While the old URLs will automatically forward to the new URL, we encourage you to change your links (bookmarks, shared links, etc) to prevent confusion.
Small Enhancements
Organization Structure screen performance improvements
Criteria order in SAP matches criteria order defined in the Template Builder
22.05.07 release
view our release announcement and more details here
Revamped Custom Metrics
Metrics are now defined in Organization Setup (Admins only)
Definition includes name, unit, and an active flag
The 5-metric limit has been removed - define as many as you want!
Metrics are still visible at the bottom of the Insights Canvas
Metrics store history - instead of entering a metric value and trend, metric date-value pairs are entered and the trend is interpreted
Metrics show trend graphs and trend tables
Show/hide metrics, graphs, and table
New Results Assessment Filter “Assessment Date” - select an assessment between two dates.
New Results Assessment Filter “Entity’s Assessment Count” - select only assessments that belong to an Entity that has completed between a min and a max amount of assessments
Override Separate assessment Results from the Practice Drilldown (previously only Together allowed)
Can mark as goal/impediment when an Assessment Filter is applied
Show Last Assessment Facilitator in the Assessment Summary when viewing Results for an Entity
More precise scoring - all scores are displayed to two decimals
Assessment Management
Used templates can now be deleted. Deleted templates are not visible for editing or launching assessments. But assessments already launched work as normal and Results will continue to be displayed.
This unlocks the ability to delete used Practices also. Deleted practices are not visible in the Practice Catalog but will continue to appear in Results.
Assessment History “Show X entries” lets you choose the table page size
Assessment History Excel and CSV export now available
Self-Assessment Platform
Separate Assessment mode shows Participants in sidebar to all registered members
Notes from previous assessments are visible
Practice Drilldown performance improvement
Small Enhancements
Ask for years in transformation during Organization registration and public assessment login
22.04.15 release (minor)
Small Enhancements
Check/uncheck all when choosing Entity members to send email to when launching an assessment
Default is now unchecked
Hide already-selected Entities when editing a member
Auto focus search field on Entity dropdown when launching an assessment
Demo login
Reopened Separate assessments no longer navigate to the end of the assessment
Record team abstain correctly for Separate assessments
22.04.02 release
view our release announcement and more details here
Redesigned Self-Assessment Platform
New screen redesign with a sidebar that can be docked or hidden.
View the Entity Name, Template Name, Organization Name, Practice Attributes, and other static information
New Voting Results show graphical representations of the voting distribution and voting averages (in Together mode assessments)
Voting Distribution graph - how many voted for each stage
Practice Score graph - the Entity average/override score
First 3 contended voting criteria - the first 3 criteria with any amount of disagreement
Separate assessment Participants information has been removed. This information can be found in Assessment History “Completed By” column.
Updated style of the ‘Manage Existing’ modal
Criteria-based Voting
Instead of voting for 1 of the 5 stages, each criteria (bullet point) is evaluated and checked if satisfied. If all criteria in a Stage are checked, then the Stage is checked (and vice versa).
Participants provided stage/scores will now be systematically calculated based on the criteria selected.
You can still revert to the old style of voting by simply selecting the Agility Stage and submitting your vote
The Override Vote will also allow individual criteria selection
The criteria with disagreement among participants are highlighted (in the voting section) when voting is complete and Voting Results are displayed.
The Agility Stages with disagreement are highlighted with text “100% voted”, “Contention”, or “No Contention”when voting is complete and Voting Results are displayed.
Assessment Management
Admins can reassign the facilitator of an assessment
More than one assessment can be in progress for a single Entity
On Assessment launch, choose who gets the assessment email invitation
Canceled assessments can be deleted
Results Enhancements
Practice Details has configurable columns - add and remove whatever columns that fits your view
Practice Details new column “Action Items” displays all Action Items for each Practice
Practice Trends (spider) allows you to show/hide Goals and/or Impediments
Override Together assessment Results from the Practice Drilldown
PDF export of Scoring Summary exports both Practice Dimensions and Business Outcomes at the same time
Entity name and action buttons are always in view in dashboards
The word “Legend” is added to the Agility Score legend at the top of Results
Small Enhancements
“Analyst” added to list of user roles
22.03.17 release (minor)
New Template and Practices
The new Kanban 2022 template is now available
22.03.03 release (minor)
Affiliate Referral Links
Support affiliate links and capture users who register with an affiliate link
22.03.01 release (minor)
Small Enhancements
New white labeling partner
22.01.31 release (minor)
Minor Fixes
Fix ability to add link in practice criteria
Fix removing all helpful resources from a practice
Hide old Launch New and Template Builder pages so users do not navigate to them based on browser history
22.01.07 release (minor)
Small Enhancements
Style updates
22.01.02 release (minor)
Small Enhancements
Template Builder Statistics style enhancements
GDPR cookie tracking compliance
Last Assessment Notes column added to Results Practice Details when viewing Results for an Entity
Practice Description is visible in the Results Practice Drilldown screen
Collect the Industry of public assessment participants
21.12.11 release
view our release announcement and more details here
Redesigned Template Builder
Modern styles and behavior
Ability to view the details of all Practices in a Template at one time
Ability to edit the Template Name, Description, and Ideal For fields
New Practice Description gives you an idea of what the Practice assesses. Also customizable!
Practice reordering
Dimension reordering
Redesigned Launch New (now called "Assessment Templates")
View a Template Preview before taking action
Actions like Launch, View/Customize, and Create Template from Scratch are available for quicker navigation.
New Manage Practice Dimensions Screen
Define your own Practice Dimensions and assign your custom Practices to them (available to Admins only)
Assessment Facilitator Assessment "No Vote" Option
When launching an assessment, the facilitator will have the ability to indicate that they are not providing a vote, allowing for fewer clicks and a more seamless experience.
Small Enhancements
Results Practice Level filter.
Results Improvement Action filter - filter for Practices that have an open Improvement Action to easier find and manage your Improvement Actions
Ability to individually unsubscribe from Entity assessment email reminders
Duplicate practices removed if unused
Duplicate practice criteria removed
21.10.21 release (minor)
Increase the amount of time permitted to load data for large organizations
Make Technique Criteria the default tab for the Results Practice Drilldown
Show message when Impediment/Goal marking is not available while an Assessment filter is applied
Fix Template Builder Create Practice defaulting to uneditable fields
21.10.16 release
Trend (since First assessment) metric added to Results: Overall Average drilldown, Business Outcome drilldown, Practice Dimension drilldown, Group Summary, Practice Details, and Scoring Summary
Results Template Filter changed from a Practice Filter to an Assessment Filter - it will now filter for assessments taken with the chosen Templates instead of filtering for the Practices that are in the Template
Ability to enter a promo code during registration
Feedback modal added - ability to collect user feedback about LAI
Practice Dimension definitions added to Template Builder
Participant link added to Manage Existing and Assessment History
Practice Level rename (Portfolio/Program -> Multi-Level, Enterprise -> Organization)
Maintain sort order of Practices in Template after saving a Practice in the Template Builder
Editing of Out-of-the-box Practices is now clearer - only the Helpful Resources become editable and a clear message is displayed so the user knows that Out-of-the-box Practices are only partially editable
Results mobile layout improvements
21.09.22 release (minor)
Invited members are now not set to active instead of inactive
Practice drilldown shows Starting votes
21.09.18 release
view our release announcement and more details here
Email reminders to take quarterly assessment - can be turned on/off on Entity level.
Results Notes filter - filters all Practices to show only those that have a user note. Can be filtered since First Assessment or since Last Assessment.
Overall Average drilldown - see tabular Results for all Entities in a Group including Agility Stage counts and the Trend
Business Outcome drilldown
Practice Dimension drilldown
Group Summary widget - highly customizable widget to display tabular Results
New Trends dashboard to show the Business Outcome and Practice Dimension trend over time
Overall Average widget is now the Current Snapshot widget that also shows Agility Stage definition, Total Goals, Total Impediments, and Trends
Business Outcome Impacts widget now supports the same view of data for Practice Dimensions and has been renamed to Scoring Summary
New widget Practice Improvement since First Assessment that shows the highest improving and lowest improving Practices since the first assessment
New widget Total Previous Impediments/Goals that shows the Practices with the highest number of Impediments and the Practices with the highest number of Goals in the previous assessment
Improvement Action Link is no longer mandatory
Template filter list refreshes on Entity/Group selection to show only Templates that are applicable to that Entity/Group
Force all links in Practice Criteria to open in a new tab
Add new Member directly in grid instead of a popup
Practice drilldown has frozen header and summary row
Improve PDF export headers
Assessment Summary is a widget instead of on the left-hand navigation bar
Business Outcome Impacts now is sorted from highest to lowest score and includes percent increase/decrease with Trend
The Total Goals/Impediments widget on Entity level now shows the top 8 Goals and the top 8 Impediments
21.07.26 release (MINOR)
Added count of Assessment Participants to Account screen
21.06.23 release (MINOR)
Post-assessment calculation performance improvement
21.06.16 release (MINOR)
"Click to show your vote” added in Practice Drill Down
Default improvement action status is now Open instead of Closed
Moved Practice Improvement Recommendation Engine into its own button
Allow Facilitators to edit Improvement Actions
Fix midpoint rounding issue in Overall Average widget
Fix Results CSV Export format being compromised by special characters in the Notes column
21.06.13 release
New API - write your own software and integrate with LAI data
Helpful Resources - attach information and hyperlinks to any Practice to be viewed in the Template Builder and the Results Practice Drill Down
Improvement Actions - add a list of actions (including a hyperlink and status) for an Entity to a Practice in the Practice Drill Down screen. View aggregated Improvement Actions on the Group and Organization levels.
Redesigned Assessment History screen
Admins can edit the Organization Name in the Account screen
Admins can disable Results “Compare with” feature in the Account screen for all Organization members
Results Assessment Summary now includes the following data
Name of last assessment template taken
Total number of Practices answered
Total number of Entities that have taken an assessment
New Results Filters ‘Practice Recommendation Improvement Engine’ button to help the user filter their results
Support Practice Dimension of ‘Other’ the same as any other Practice Dimension (including adding to Filters and displaying appropriately)
A Participant-only user who completes an assessment in Separate mode and re-enters the assessment after completing will not mark it as In Progress again.
Copying Entities from another member in Member Attributes will work even in the case that an Entity was recently added to the member
Member Attributes refresh preserves the collapsed/expanded nodes to preserve the user’s position on the page
21.05.16 release
Entity Tagging - all Result widgets are filterable by any combination of Entity Tags
Organization Structure redesign
Member Attributes redesign - including export, sorting, filtering, and counts
Delete Entity - users can now delete an Entity instead of only being able to inactivate them
Ability to re-invite one user (instead of re-inviting all)
New Overall Average widget
Deletion of an assessment is not permanent
Expand all/collapse all in Organization Structure screen and Results hierarchy screen
Group dropdowns are searchable
Entity Attribute questions are now optional
21.04.22 release (MINOR)
Ability to add HTML links into Practice criteria
21.04.08 release (MINOR)
Trends widget color scheme and style changes
Participant-only users now have disclaimer of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before logging in
New widget for Templates Available when taking a public assessment
Hide comparison drop down, but still compare for all Results widgets when taking a public assessment
21.03.21 release
Show/hide individual trends in the Practice Trends widget
Compare Entity trends with Organization/Groups in the Practice Trends widget
Results Excel export is filterable
In-app payments
“Public assessment” support (not directly available to users, contact us if interested)
Previous trends in all widgets are specific with Agility Score (instead of Agility Stage)
Template Builder minor UI improvements
Practice Details widget sortable columns
Assessment Summary completion percentage only considers teams who have completed at least one assessment
21.02.14 release
Redesigned Home page
Redesigned Contact Us page
Enhanced sign-up experience
Business Outcome Summary and Practice Summary widgets are now larger and have frozen rows and columns to provide a heat map view
‘Assessment Number’ added to Excel export
Vote Variability widget displays No Data if only one user took the assessment
Overall Average comparison feature follows user permissions
All widgets now collapse when No Data available
Practice Performance widget displays current Practice name, even when renamed
21.01.17 release
68 new Practices and 9 new Templates available including ‘Scrum 2020’ and ‘Agile Team Ways of Working’
New Results dashboard UI redesign featuring intelligent, collapsible containers around each widget, links to Help documentation, and an improved PDF export
New Filters available for all dashboards and widgets. Filters include Business Outcome, Practice Dimension, and Template.
New Practice Performance widget displaying the top-performing and bottom-performing Practices overall
New Total Goals/Impediments widget displaying the Practices with the most Goals and the Practices with the most Impediments
New Overall Average widget displaying Trends over time and the ability to compare Entity Trends to a Group or Organization
New Template Permissions available to control access to Templates within your Organization
Framework and Framework-Agnostic Practices are now categorized together as Out-of-the-Box
Overall look and feel of modals have been improved
Ability to block new users from signing up for a specific domain
Fixed edge case where the wrong Practice Dimensions could be displayed around the perimeter of the Spider widget
20.11.29 release
Core custom branding capabilities
Ability for assessment participants to abstain from voting
Ability to automatically complete an individual assessment with only one user taking it
Excel extract contains all data now, including historical data
Excel extract - added Impediments and Goals columns
Separated log in and sign up pages
Changed Template Builder Practice Level filter from single select to multi-select
General performance improvements in the Self-Assessment Platform
Excel extract - reduced export time
Performance improvements of Practice Details popup
Performance improvements of Member Attributes screen
Rejoining an assessment as participant-only now only uses your email to identify you, not your email and display name
Filters are no longer lost when saving practices in the Template Builder
Newly-created practices in the Template Builder are now inserted in alphabetical order, instead of at the end of the list
Fixed order of practices within template when saving
20.10.06 release
Fixed issue with Template Builder replace practice question box not appearing
Minor verbiage changes
20.10.04 Release
Teams are now called Entities and they are given a type of Individual, Team, or Agile at Scale. An individual entity can only take individual assessments, a team entity can only take team assessments, etc.
Template categories have been changed from Framework, Framework-Agnostic, and Custom to Individual, Team, and Agile at Scale
New standard template ‘Product Owner’, written by Bob Galen
Performance of Template Builder improved
Minor updates to usability of Template Builder
Historical notes are now available in the Self-Assessment Platform
Marking Impediments, Goals, Override, and Re-vote triggers a system-generated note for auditing purposes
Performance of the Self-Assessment platform improved
Performance of Assessment History improved
Fixed issue with in-progress assessments appearing as completed upon assessment continuation
Changed Overall Average bar chart to be more precise by switching from Agility Stages to the overall average score
Changed Excel export to export the latest score for each practice for each team. Previously, it was exporting only the practices from the last taken assessment for each team.
Notes included in Excel export
Synchronize trend colors between our Insights Dashboard radar chart and the Business Outcome Trends chart
Performance of Results as a Facilitator improved
UI improvements around the Practice Details popup in the Insights Canvas radar chart
20.09.19 Release
Add Google reCAPTCHA to the login screen
20.09.15 Release
Simplify Contact Us screen
20.08.29 Release
Improved Launch New performance
20.08.27 Release
Improved login performance
20.08.23 Release
Changed verbiage throughout the application to be more intuitive and consistent
Fixed results filtering issue that displayed more practices than it should
Added ability to re-open a cancelled assessment
Enhanced UI scaling
Tightened permissions around users not assigned to teams
Legend added to Practice Details results screen
Improved performance around the Organization Structure screen
Fixed re-invites of pending users sometimes failing
Removed notes from the Practice Details screen
Added error handling to mitigate and troubleshoot random redirects
20.08.02 Release
Application Performance Enhancements
Changed sort order in Organization Structure, Team creation drop down menus, and Team details in spider drill down to be in alphabetical order.
Changed sort order of Assessment History to be by time stamp.
In Assessment History, teams are now only visible by users who have been assigned to them.
In Results, trends now go back to the beginning of time.
20.06.23 Release
New Functionality:
A new permission type for “Facilitator” has been added.
Facilitators can conduct assessments and review results for all assigned teams. If assigned to all teams in a group, group results will be viewable.
Facilitators have read only access to the template builder.
Added a detailed view when selecting a practice on the Insights Canvas or Practice Details results. The additions are as follows…
View the Agility Stage criteria and your vote for the practice.
View notes and add new notes.
Mark as impediment or growth goal
View the Group, Practice Dimension, and Practice Level
View the impacted Business Outcomes
View the Team, Impediment, Growth Goal, Trend, Variability, and overall average.
When viewing a Group, you can scroll through all Teams in the group.
View the number of votes in each Agility Stage for the practice.
Teams can be selected and de-selected to filter results
Hide and unhide team details and Agility Stage criteria with your vote.
In the Self-Assessment Platform, users who voted now appear in the color “white”
Improved performance of the Self-Assessment Platform when losing internet connection
When in Group Assessment Mode, Team and Participant Only user votes will only be recording after selecting the “Submit” button.
In the Analytics Results view, the top and lowest performing practices UI has changed. The circle colors now correspond to the actual score of the practice.
20.04.07 Release
Menu Changes:
A Resource link has been added.
Frequently Asked Questions
New Framework Agnostic Assessments
Added Agile Coach Assessment
New Functionality:
Added the ability to download a PDF of “Practice Details”
Added the ability to view the history of completed assessments including:
The current status of the assessment (Closed, In Progress, Cancelled)
The assessment mode
The users email who launched the assessment
The date the assessment was completed
The total number of assessments completed and how many users have completed a given assessment in individual mode.
The user who completed the assessment
The total number of questions in an assessment
Added the ability to delete previously completed assessments
Added the ability to re-open assessments so that users who did not complete it can do so
Minor bug fixes
Now super users can only see results for certain teams/groups that they belong to.
If Super Users and Team Members belong to all teams in a group or org, they can see the rollups in that group or org
20.01.18 Release
Menu Changes:
A Resource link has been added: “Source References”
New Framework Agnostic Assessments
Added Agile Leadership Assessment
Added Scrum Master Assessment
New Functionality:
Added the ability to participate in an assessment while NOT being a registered user.
Added the ability filter by Business Outcome, “Level” (including Enterprise, Portfolio, Program, and Team) in the Template Builder.
Added the ability filter by Template “Type” in the Template Builder.
Added the ability to filter by name via a search field in the Template Builder.
Small UI changes to Insights Canvas including more detail around Voting Variability, Impediments/Goals, and Metrics
Added new Pricing Information
Button text changes to enhance user experience
Trend colors in Analytics Dashboard have been changed to not conflict with main color scheme
Updated Help Pages, Facilitators Guide, and Quick Start Guide
19.10.14 Release
Menu Changes:
The template builder has moved under the Assessments Link and the Assessment Child Link names have been changed to:
Launch New – (Launch all assessments)
Participate in Existing – (If there already is an assessment in progress, this will take you directly)
Template Builder – (Build and customize any assessment)
Resource links have been added. They are:
Outcome Improvement Canvas – A canvas that helps with outcomes and measurements for coaching
Outcome Improvement Plan – A template for creating coaching plans
Blog – Direct link to the LAI Blog.
A services link has been added.
This will take you to more information on LAI Service offerings.
Performance Improvements:
Improved performance of logging in.
Improved the performance of launch and loading assessments
Improve the performance of loading results
Significantly Improved the Performance of taking assessments, especially with more than 3 people at a time.
Enhanced UI of Insights Canvas
Small UI changes to the home page
New Functionality:
Added the ability to delete users from an organization
Added new resource menu to the homepage with links to services and blog as well as an outcome improvement canvas and plan.
Added ability to type filter for teams when launching assessments and in Member Attributes